How Can I Help?
You can help ACRA in the following ways:
Donating to ACRA Durham
Your donations help assure that we can provide safe places to live to people who need it the most. Click on this button to send us a donation through PayPal. You do NOT need a PayPal account to use the PayPal service. All major debit and credit cards are accepted. To donate to ACRA every month, simply click on the "Make This Recurring (Monthly)" box. Thank you very much!
ACRA is a small non-profit that relies heavily on the generosity of other people to help us provide compassionate care for our residents. Therefore, we have many volunteer opportunities that are open year round. In addition to our day-to-day needs, ACRA is involved in several fundraising events. So whether you are looking for a long-term commitment, or a short-term volunteer opportunity, we need your help!
Please complete the below form to be added to our future newsletters and volunteer lists. You will receive information on upcoming ACRA events and learn about volunteer opportunities.
See Some Who Have Already Volunteered
Download the Volunteer Interest Form (PDF file)
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